New Features Help Alleviate Stress on Phones

We are doing some exciting things with text!
In addition to live I&R support and health education message tracks that help cultivate new community partnerships, we're helping agencies (providing live help to their community) tackle high contact issues with fully automated mobile triages that query end users for information on where they are texting from and then sends referrals based on those responses.  And these tasks are fully automated! The system keeps track of every encounter and this can be done with any number of issues.  We're also helping 2-1-1s convert calls that are on hold to live text traffic! And that text traffic can be presorted based on high frequency issues and with mobile triage, those instances will be recorded and archived so every encounter is counted and archived in your private database.

We're growing and we're adding capacity!

Very soon we will deploy new ad-hoc messaging tools that will enable service providers and health information innovators to create subgroups based on information gathered over time during live text encounters. So, your message tracks evolve with your priority population as their health needs evolve.  Our text platform empowers health services with the ability to move seamlessly between live one-on-one text encounters and sms education alerts. From texting with one to texting with many in one click!

Contact us for a demo!